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Frequently Asked Questions

You've Got Questions, We Have Answers


Can I schedule my students to attend different classes at the same time?

Yes! Classes can be coordinated so siblings can attend on the same schedule.


What if my preschooler is not potty trained before the start of school?

Talk with your teacher. We will work with your student to help them while they are at school.


Are you a universal Pre-K provider?

Yes! Class offerings can be combined with Universal Pre-K.​ There is no fee for this program.


What supplies does my student need to start school?

Each student will need a backpack large enough to hold a full change of clothes, a water bottle and full size folder for paperwork and projects that will be sent home. 


What should I do if my student is going to be late for school?

If possible, please call the office at 607-648-8577 or message your student’s teacher. Once you arrive at school you will bring your student upstairs, using the education wing entrance. There will be a doorbell at the top of the stairs for you to ring.


What should I do if I am going to be late picking my student up?

Please call the office at 607-648-8577 or message your student’s teacher.


What if someone other than me is picking my student up?

Let your teacher or the office know ahead of time. The person picking up will need to be on the pickup form you filled out at the beginning of the school year. This person must show their ID at pick up.


What should I do if my student will miss school?

Please call us 607-648-8577, email us or let your student's teacher know as soon as possible.


What is the snack policy?

We are a water only school. No flavored drops or juice, please. Send your student with a filled water bottle each class day.


You will receive a snack calendar from your classroom teacher each month. Bring your snack at drop-off on the assigned day. Your calendar will list how many students are in the class along with any food allergies that a classmate might have. We are a nut-free school. No peanuts or tree nuts. 


Snack should be healthy and simple. Make it easy for the teachers to serve and the kids to eat.


Suggested Healthy (And Favorite!) Snacks

  • Goldfish Crackers

  • Cheese Sticks

  • Pretzels

  • Single-Serve Yogurt

  • Single-Serve Smoothies

  • Single-Serve Applesauce/Applesauce Pouches

  • Cheese & Crackers

  • Crackers & Hummus

  • Pirate's Booty

  • Cleaned & Cut Veggies

  • Cleaned & Cut Fruit (Grapes Must Be Cut In Half)

  • Mini Muffins

  • Graham Crackers

  • Animal Crackers

  • Veggie Straws


What if my student is going to be absent on their assigned snack day? Or what if I forget to send snack in?

We always have extra snack on hand in our classroom to cover if this happens. 


When should I keep my student home?

If they have been ill during the night, or has active symptoms such as:

  • A fever of 100.5 degrees during the previous 24-hour period.

  • If they have a cold that is less than four days old.

  • If they has a heavy nasal discharge.

  • If they has a constant cough.

  • If they has an upset stomach or vomiting or diarrhea.

  • If they has symptoms of a possible communicable disease. These are usually skin rash, chills, sniffles, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache, itching, abdominal pain, often accompanied by a fever.


If they are fussy, cranky, and generally not themself. Even if they are unusually tired. Rest at such times may prevent the development of serious illness.


Your student may return to school once they have been fever-free without medication for 24 hours or free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.


If your student has been diagnosed with COVID-19 they must remain home for 5 days after diagnosis. They may return on day 6, but they will be required to wear a mask at school for the next 5 days.


What are current COVID-19 guidelines?

Per health department guidance, students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate at home for at least five days. Day 1 would be considered the first full day after symptom onset (if symptomatic) or the first full day after the positive COVID test was taken (if a person has no symptoms).

Students and staff who had symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19 may return to attending school in person on day 6 if they are fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving. Upon returning to school, students and staff who tested positive should continue to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator around others through day 10.

Students and staff exposed to COVID-19 will not need to quarantine. People who were exposed to COVID-19 are recommended to wear a well-fitting mask for ten days after the exposure, and get tested at least five days after close contact (or sooner if symptoms develop).

Schools are no longer required to conduct routine contact tracing.


Universal mask wearing is not currently required in schools. Students and staff who choose to wear a mask are encouraged to do so.


What happens in the event of inclement weather?

​If Chenango Valley schools are closed due to weather, all classes are canceled. Please refer to our CVNS Facebook page, Class Remind App, or WBNG-TV for school closings. Snow days will not be made up.


​If there is a one-hour delay in the morning, classes will proceed like normal.​


If there is a two-hour delay in the morning, there will be no morning classes. Afternoon classes will be held.

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